
Arena Multimedia Customer Care

Arena Multimedia, the retail training division of APTECH Global Training Solutions Malaysia SDN BHD has a network in more than 40 countries. The inception of Arena was for imparting specialized multimedia training to discerning students. In the last couple of decades Arena has become the market leader in multimedia education globally. With its 56% market share, it is virtually the reason, for growth of the complete multimedia training industry.

This momentous achievement was possible because our customers could replate to our one single emotional trust. With a two-way interaction, we try and mould this trust to enable customers to voice their opinions and speak their minds. We endeavor to build trust so that we understand our customers by heeding their needs and suggestions. We welcome suggestions/queries/feedback which would help us to serve your better. Write to us at customercare@arena-pakistan.com and give us an opportunity to understand & serve you better.

Talk to us, and help us in helping you to have an Unlimited Career Options Worldwide.

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