
Visit at Ice animation

Held on: October 31,2017 Branch: North Nazimabad

It was bright sunny day. The scorching sun was enough to warm up, but one’s eagerness towards the thirst of exploration can never tame the spirit. For instance, that was exactly the state of enthusiasm defined in students of Arena Multimedia North Nazimabad for visiting well known place Ice animation. Arena Multimedia North Nazimabad organized the trip for students to give them a practical approach about gaining the integral information regarding their field that would certainly assist students to put into practice in real time. All students gathered up. All along the journey, students eagerly waited for their desire place to manifest. The representative named Sidra welcome the students wholeheartedly and acquainted us as Production Manager of the company. She concisely explained about their functioning departments and asked students for their concerns in various fields. Students led to pre-production department, they explained there how they first researched and searched the notion then inclined to sketch it into any story. Students asked few questions regarding whole ball of wax and denounced impressively. Furthermore, representatives guided the students towards the next big thing that was the animation department. It was indeed worth its weight in gold region and the representative was even keen person to recapitulate the structure intellectually.
Overall great exposure to the wonderful industry has been winded up on captivating closure notes.

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